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New appointments and variations

New Appointments and Variations (NAVs) are limited companies that become the new provider of water and/or sewerage services to an area previously served by the existing incumbent water company.

In becoming the new provider NAVs typically receive new connection services from the existing incumbent water company and/or Self Lay provider (SLP) to set up a water supply into the area.

To make an enquiry or apply for a NAV scheme please fill out the application form and provide the information alongside payment of the relevant application fee as described within the form.

If you wish to understand the serve status of a particular site we will require payment of the NAV site status application fee or if you wish to make a full application for a bulk supply offer (where you will receive more detailed information such as the point of connection, related charges etc) we will require payment of the NAV bulk supply application fee. 

Apply for a NAV scheme

Download our application form to apply for a NAV scheme

Email your application form to:

The process we follow
The following summarises the key steps of the application process but for further details on process, timescales and other useful information, please refer to our new appointments and variations (NAV) connections user guide.

  • Enquiry application is submitted to SSW
  • Site serve status provided by SSW within 21 days
  • Bulk supply application is submitted to SSW
  • Acknowledgment of application provided by SSW within 5 days of a complete application
  • Bulk supply offer provided by SSW within 28 days of a complete application
  • Bulk supply offer accepted by NAV customer
  • Bulk supply agreement issued by SSW in 28 days
  • Signed agreement returned to SSW
  • Written acknowledgement by SSW within 5 days
  • If the connecting infrastructure is to be laid by SSW we will do this within 90 days, if not we will provide a supply for testing within 28 days and then a permanent supply within 14 days once tests have passed

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