Results for: "WRMP 2014 Appendix"

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Our business plan - Updated overview June 2014

An overview of an update to Our business plan published in June 2014.


WRMP Board Assurance Statement

WRMP 2019 accompanying statement

WMRP 2019 - Appendix D

WMRP 2019 - Appendix E

WMRP 2019 - Appendix R

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 12 WRc treatability tests for groundwater containing chlorthal (final) Camm 11 Nov 2014

Appendix 12 WRc treatability tests for groundwater containing chlorthal


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A33.4

Statement of Response to draft WRMP 2019

WRMP 2019 non-technical summary

Critical Period (CP) WRMP table

Appendix S - Annex 1

Appendix A - Annex 1

WMRP 2019 - Appendix Q

WMRP 2019 - Appendix O

WMRP 2019 - Appendix L

WMRP 2019 - Appendix K

WMRP 2019 - Appendix G

WRMP Appendix G Population Forecasts Methodology Summary


WMRP 2019 - Appendix C

Water resources management planning (WRMP)

A comprehensive desk research review of WRMP 2019 up to 2020 to provide recommendations for how we should approach engagement for WRMP 2024 – published March 2021


WMRP 2019 - Appendix X

WMRP 2019 - Appendix W

Appendix W WRMP Methodology for Estimnating Supply Scheme costs


WMRP 2019 - Appendix V

WRMP Appendix V Technical note on supply option screening


WMRP 2019 - Appendix S

WRMP Appendix S Decision making framework modelling report


WMRP 2019 - Appendix P

WRMP Appendix P South Staffs climate change impacts on supply


WMRP 2019 - Appendix J

Appendix J Draft WRMP South Staffs non-Household consumption forecast


WMRP 2019 - Appendix I

WRMP Appendix I South Staffs and Cambridge Meter Under Registration report


WMRP 2019 - Appendix F

WRMP Appendix F South Staffs customer research findings summary


WMRP 2019 - Appendix A

WRMP Appendix A South Staffs SEA SEA ER Final Main Report


Dry Year Annual Average (DYAA) WRMP table

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A07

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A08

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A25

Appendix A25 PR19 WRMP and WTP data triangulation study


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A25.1

Appendix A25.1 PR19 WRMP and WTP data triangulation sheet


WMRP 2019 - Appendix N

WRMP Appendix N SSW Synthetic drought series and resilience of SSW Water Supply System


WMRP 2019 - Appendix H

Appendix H Draft WRMP South Staffs Household Micro-component and consumption forecast


Green Recovery Appendix 2022/23

Green Recovery appendix 2021/22

Annual performance report - supplementary commentary appendix 2023/24

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A26

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A36

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A01

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A02

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A03

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A06

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A05

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A27

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A28

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A32.1

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A33.5.3

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A51

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A14

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A18

Appendix A18 New connections market customer engagement


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A30

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A31

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A32.2

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A33

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A33.1

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A33.3

Appendix A33.3 Decision making framework model summary


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A35

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A44

Appendix A44 PWC retail services efficiency benchmarking


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A47

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A50

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A43

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A33.1.2

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 5 Monte Carlo risk distributions

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 9 customer benefits and cost of debt

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 10 email from David Young

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 13 ESI summary report - Cookley

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 14 ESI summary report - Kinver

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 15 ESI summary report - Ashwood

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 16 groundwater source blend model

WRAP WRMP plan acceptability Theme 4

Supporting materials for the WRAP Theme 4 research - published February 2022


WRAP WRMP plan acceptability Theme 4 (1)

Report covering findings on customer responses to the draft WRMP24 plan - published August 2022


Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 8 UKCSI July 2018 benchmarking report

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 11 NERA report on leakage reduction funding

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 17 IMTECH Chlorthal treatment options review

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A13

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A13.1

Appendix A13.1 SSC Peer Review WtP Research Methodology by Ariel Bergmann


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A13.2

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A14.1

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A14.2

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A25.2

Appendix A25.2 Triangulation Peer Review of Approach - Giles Atkinson


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A29

Appendix A29 Capital investment to deliver a class-leading service


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A33.6

Appendix A33.6 Explain market research cost adjustment claim enagagement report


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A33.8

Appendix A33.8 Cost adjustment claim proposed delivery timeline


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A37

Appendix A37 WISER submission response (South Staffs incorporating Cambridge)


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A38

Appendix A38 Board assurance of our PR19 business plan


Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A49

Appendix A49 Water resources annualised unit cost model


RA03 - PR19 2020 to 2025 - Addendum to Appendix A33 - Cost adjustment claim

RA03 - PR19 2020 to 2025 - Addendum to Appendix A33 - Cost adjustment claim


Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 6 SSC small company premium customer engagement

Appendix 6 SSC small company premium customer engagement


Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 7 SSC small company premium customer engagement method statement

Appendix 7 SSC small company premium customer engagement method statement


Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 18 SSC PR19 DD risk and reward assurance

Making water count - our plan for 2020 to 2025 appendix A25.3

Appendix A25.3 Triangulation Peer Review of Report - Giles Atkinson with PJM Final Response


RA02 - PR19 2020 to 2025 - Addendum to Appendix A29 – Wholesale water enhancement cost allowance

RA02 - PR19 2020 to 2025 - Addendum to Appendix A29 – Wholesale water enhancement cost allowance


Water Resources Management Plan

Market Information table for Critical Period (CP)

WRMP Market Information table for Critical Period (CP)


Market Information table for Dry Year Annual Average (DYAA)

WRMP Market Information table for Dry Year Annual Average (DYAA)


WRMP24 - Appendix A

WRMP24 - Appendix C2

WRMP24 - Appendix E

WRMP24 - Appendix F

WRMP24 - Appendix G2

WRMP24 - Appendix H

WRMP24 - Appendix I

WRMP24 - Appendix K

WRMP24 - Appendix L

WRMP24 - Appendix N

WRMP24 - Appendix P7

Water Framework Directive option level impact assessments


WRMP24 - Appendix B1

WRMP24 - Appendix B2

WRMP24 - Appendix B3

WRMP24 - Appendix B4

Water resources activity panel theme 1 - Strategic choices report


WRMP24 - Appendix B5

WRMP24 - Appendix B6

Water resources activity panel theme 3 - deep dives online groups report


WRMP24 - Appendix B7

Water resources activity panel theme 3 - deep dives report


WRMP24 - Appendix B8

WRMP24 - Appendix B9

WRMP24 - Appendix B10

WRMP24 - Appendix B11

WRMP24 - Appendix B12

WRMP24 - Appendix B13

WRMP24 - Appendix B14

WRMP24 - Appendix B15

WRMP24 - Appendix R

WRMP24 - Appendix S

WRMP24 - Appendix C1

Household consumption forecasting micro-component model


WRMP24 - Appendix D

WRMP24 - Appendix G1

WRMP24 - Appendix M

WRMP24 - Appendix P1

WRMP24 - Appendix P5

WRMP24 - Appendix P3

WRMP24 - Appendix P6

WRMP24 - Appendix P4

WRMP24 - Appendix P2

WRMP24 - Appendix B17

Research into the accessibility and affordability of the final plan


Drought plan 2021 appendix A - consultation

We are committed to engaging with all the stakeholders who have an interest in this plan. This document explains how we have undertaken consultation with these stakeholders and the public in preparing our drought plan.


Drought plan 2021 appendix F - environmental assessments

This document gives you details of how we comply with environmental legislation and ensure that any environmental impacts of our actions are identified, minimised and mitigated.


Drought plan 2021 appendix B - communications plan

Effective communications is an essential part of drought management. This document is an overview of the approach we will take and is not a comprehensive action plan.


PR24 technical triangulation report, phase 1

Report outlining the methodology for developing a best practice triangulation framework – published January 2023 (Appendix - SSC08)


PR24 thematic reviews, segment analysis

Report covering an analysis of how preferences vary between customer and stakeholder segments – published September 2023 (Appendix – SSC12)


Drought plan 2021 appendix E - pre-consultation response

A response from Water Resources West (WRW) advising its support in meeting the expectations of our drought plan


Drought plan 2021 appendix C - drought triggers development and scenario testing

Our drought plan demonstrates how we would manage resources and demands through a number of variable but plausible drought sequences, by implementing a range of available management options. We have developed a suite of drought indicators over subsequent plans, this document gives you more details.


PR24 technical triangulation report, phase 2

Report which outlines how we established a set of WTP values suitable for use in our Copperleaf investment modelling – published June 2023 (Appendix - SSC09)


PR24 technical triangulation report

Report outlining the application of the Delphi Method to provide objective assessment of valuation research to inform our Copperleaf investment modelling – published June 2023 (Appendix - SSC010)


Drought plan 2021 appendix D - consistent form of notice for Temporary Use Ban

In the event of a Temporary Use Ban, we propose to adopt a consistent form of notice and this is presented in this document.
