
Since 1 April 2017, businesses, charities and public sector customers can choose their water supplier that offer both water and wastewater services.

Take a look at the options below to find out more about our charges scheme and other services. 

Our Charges

Information on our wholesale charges scheme and primary charges for 2024-25.

Compensation for works

Find out about our compensation entitlement and how you can make a claim.

Meter Reading Service

Learn more about our meter reading service.

Guidelines and policies

Information on the best practice guidelines we follow set by the Retailer Wholesaler Group (RWG).

Board Assurance Statement

Board Assurance Statement for Final Wholesale Charges 2024-25.

Contact Us

If you need support or would like to chat with us about our services, you can reach us by email or by phone. 

Billing & Settlement Team

Email: Billing&

Telephone: 01223 403064 or 01223 403066

Wholesale Service Desk Team


Telephone: 0330 123 0116 (lines open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)

Retail Market Team


Operations 24-hour Supply Line:

Telephone: 0800 389 10 11