Customer feedback

We wanted to start by saying a big 'thank you' for giving up your time to take part in our online study, which has now been running for three years. In this study, you provided feedback on the priority areas that you want us to invest in for the future.

Many of you said that you would like to know how we will be using your feedback, so we wanted to share the following updates with you.

Firstly, please watch this video update from Caroline Cooper, one of our directors. Then, please check out the summary infographic below, which we have developed based on all the feedback we have received from customers. You can also find out more about our wider engagement programme that we have running to give customers different opportunities to have their say on our plans. We hope that you will continue to get involved with helping us to improve the water services you receive from us.

If you would like to give us any feedback on this update, please contact us by emailing: