
New website for customers to see how their water companies are performing

Customers can now quickly and easily see how their water company is performing and compare it to other companies.

The information is on the website, and has a range of data covering water quality, public health, customer service and environmental aspects of water and sewerage services.

The website is the first of its kind in Europe, bringing together a comprehensive set of performance measures in a single place. It has been designed for household customers in England and Wales to have key information about their water and sewerage services at their fingertips.

Water companies and regulators hope Discover Water will encourage customers to talk to their water companies and take full advantage of the ways they can set priorities and influence decisions on how their water services are run.

Discover Water is a collaborative water sector-wide project, led and funded by water companies but delivered by an independent third party. Decisions on the information and data and how it is presented have all been taken by an oversight group made up of water companies, the sector’s regulators and consumer body.

Michael Roberts, Chief Executive, Water UK said: “This project is all about increasing the contact between customers and their water company.

“Discover Water should increase trust and confidence in the sector because it has been created with customer focused design and honest, unbiased, content.

“There is plenty of robust and reliable information about how companies perform and we hope it leads to more people getting involved in how their water and sewerage services are run.”

The information used on Discover Water is already separately published by water companies, Ofwat, Defra, Drinking Water Inspectorate, Environment Agency and the Consumer Council for Water. It also provides general information about how water and sewerage services operate, including the processes undertaken to get water to and from our homes