
Update on Ofwat draft determination

Posted: 30 August 2024


Last month, we received Ofwat’s draft determination on our 2025-2030 business plan proposal.

Over the last seven weeks, we have been reviewing their feedback and we have now made our representations back to them.

We are broadly happy with their assessment of our plans however, there are a small number of key points where we have asked for a review following further evidence we have produced. This evidence can be viewed here.

Ofwat is due to give final feedback on 19 December, and we expect to be in dialogue with them until then to support them in reaching the best decision for our customers, the environment and our wider stakeholders.

Customers who feel they need support with their water bill can speak to our expert team, who will talk them through the available options. These include special tariffs, easier ways to pay, and even payment breaks for short-term help.

To see our business plan proposal for 2025-2030, click here