In a first for the England and Wales water sector, South Staffs Water will implement a new artificial intelligence (AI) driven collections management system which will enable the company to proactively identify and support customers who are at risk of falling behind with their water bill payments.
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South Staffs Water has started essential work in New Street Bridgtown. The project, part of the water company’s on-going improvement programme, starts on Monday 8 October and is due for completion in April 2019.
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South Staffs Water encourages customers to avoid Bogus Callers with the password protection scheme.
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South Staffs Water has submitted its Business Plan for 2020 – 2025 to Ofwat today. The plan, which is titled ‘Making Water Count’, follows consultation with more than 40,000 customers over the last two years.
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As part of its ongoing commitment to innovate and educate, South Staffs Water is looking to future generations for inspiration.
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As the UK heatwave continues after one of the driest ever Junes, water companies have urged Brits to shower in four minutes or less to help conserve water; but how do you time your shower to no more than four minutes? If you are an England fan then listen to ‘Three Lions (Football’s Coming Home)’, says WaterAid.
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