We consider engagement with our customers crucial in achieving a fair outcome to the price-setting process. Throughout PR14 we were transparent with our customers and stakeholders.
Some of the formal research we conducted during PR14 process looked at Customer Service Priorities, Willingness to Pay and the Acceptability of our business plan.
The Customer Research Task Group actively engaged with us and our consultants by providing constructive feedback to ensure questions and information contained in the research allowed customers to share their views on aspects of water services and prices.
Examples of these studies from PR14 are highlighted below.
We are about to go through our PR19 customer engagement programme and will share the results as we go.
Willingness to Pay
In January 2013 we engaged with ICS Consultancy to commence Willingness to Pay research. Essentially Willingness to Pay is the measure of how much customers are willing to pay for improvements in services and their willingness to accept a deterioration in other services for the five year period 2015 - 2020.
The Willingness to Pay research engages with domestic and business customers to assess the monetary benefit of services aspects. The survey data will be used to support potential investments and business planning. Additionally the research aims to understand customers' service priorities.
We have now completed the Willingness to Pay study, and the results are given below. The study examined customer attitudes towards the following:
The company also engaged ICS / EFTEC to carry out research on the acceptability of the business plan proposals. The results are below.
Business Plan proposals
Following the publication of our draft business plan, the plans also went out for consultation to stakeholders and members of the public, resulting in nearly 1,000 responses. A summary of the responses is available below.