If your site doesn't have access to a public water supply, or if the existing distribution system is inadequate, then you can requisition for a new water main to be laid within three months of all necessary agreements having been completed.
If you need us to relocate our mains to facilitate your development, you can also apply for a water main diversion.
Choose the best way for you
Separate an existing shared supply or apply for a replacement water connection up to 25mm.
25mm standard connection or a non standard connection of 32mm or larger
If you need us to relocate our water mains to facilitate your development, you will need to apply for a water main diversion
If you would would like to apply for a NAV scheme, you will need to complete a NAV application.
Apply for new mains as a Self lay provider
South Staffs Water (SSW) lay - you commission us to lay the mains for you
Regardless of whether you chose self lay or SSW lay in some cases we need to carry out reinforcement of the network as part of the provision of water for your development. We'll confirm this in your quotation if applicable.