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Questions about your bill

Questions about charges

If you have a question about your water charges please contact us.  

If you think that you shouldn't have received a bill, you need to let us know so we can investigate and make sure the charges are billed correctly.

Bills for previous occupiers

When you move in you should tell us so we can send you important information about your water supply and accurate bills.

Water charges have to be paid for and this is usually by the person who lives in the property and uses the water. Unless your landlord has accepted responsibility for the charges, by entering into a special written agreement with us, charges remain your responsibility.

Read your tenancy agreement to check.

If your bill is for a previous occupier it is important you contact us straight away.

Unpaid bills

If a bill is unpaid, we will send a reminder 14 days after the bill became due.  We may also call you.

If your account still remains unpaid after we have sent a reminder, we will seek to recover outstanding charges. We may:

  • Employ the services of a carefully selected debt collection agency
  • Seek to recover charges through the County Court.