My bills and payments

We have a range of special tariffs and options to help people who are on a low incomes or who are struggling to pay their water charges. 

  WaterSure Assure Assure Assist* Payment breaks
WHAT IS THIS TARIFF? This tariff can help if you have a water meter and are receiving one of a number of benefits. This is our standard discount tariff if you are struggling to pay your water bill. This is a tariff if you have no income coming into the home and you will probably be going onto the Universal Credit journey. This may be useful if you need a short break from paying due to a significant change in your financial circumstances.
DO YOU NEED TO BE ON A WATER METER? You must have a water meter Metered and non-metered customers Metered and non-metered customers Metered and non-metered customers
DO I QUALIFY FOR SUPPORT? You must receive certain benefits. Your total household income must be less than £22,011 a year. 
(If you have dependent children at address, add £1,500 per child to your income.)


Receive Pension Credit Guarantee Element.
You must have no household income and may be applying for Universal Credit.

(You will either be referred to us by DWP / JobCentre or Help To Claim team or you can apply by completing the Assure application form.) 
You need a short break from paying due to temporary financial circumstances.
You must receive one of these benefits:
  • Housing Benefit
  • Income Support
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (more than one family element
  • Income-related ESA
  • Universal Credit

and either:

Three or more children aged under 19 living in your household.
someone living in your household who has a medical condition which means they use a lot of water.
We don't include these benefits in your income:
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Carer's Allowance
  • Council Tax Benefit (not single occupancy)
  • Housing Benefit /  Housing Allowance
  • Disabled or severely disabled element of Child Tax Credit
We don't include these benefits in your income:
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Personal independence Payment
  • Carer's Allowance
  • Council Tax Benefit (not single occupancy)
  • Housing Benefit / Housing Allowance
  • Disabled or severely disabled element of Child Tax Credit
    Child Benefit
You must have no arrears on your water account.
WHAT DO YOU RECEIVE? A fixed annual charge. Discounted 3-year tariff.
Year 1 is 60% discount.
Year 2 is 40% discount.
Year 3 is 20% discount. 
Discounted 3-year tariff.
Year 1 is 100% discount for 8 weeks then 60% discount for 44 weeks.

Year 2 is 40% discount.
Year 3 is 20% discount. 

A payment break of one, two or three months. 
This will be deferred to the remainder of the bill.
HOW TO APPLY  More info More info More info
 More info
EXTRA INFO   An application form needs to be completed and you will need to send in proof of income. You will need to complete a standard Assure application form and provide us with proof of no household income, this could include a screenshot of your UC journal.