Results for: WRAS policy

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Keeping water safe in premises - WRAS policy

Water Industry policy for the enforcement of the Water Supply (Water fittings) Regulations by WRAS.


Environment Policy

Asset Policy 2016

Environment Policy 2024

Water meter relocation policy

Moving your water meter isn’t standard DIY. This policy tells you what you need to do if you want to move your meter.


Our bereavement policy

This bereavement policy applies where an account is held in the name of a customer who has passed away, providing you with as much support as you need while updating or closing the account of a loved one.


Advance notice of work requirements leaflet

Bathroom layout risks

Guidance for Bathroom layout risks, provided courtesy of WRAS.


Keeping water safe in premises

Flexible hose connections to appliances

Guidance for flexible hose connections to appliances, provided courtesy of WRAS.


Code of Practice for household customers 2023/24 - Water charges and bills

Our policy on charging and the scale of charges payable within the year


Looking after water in the home

Advice on how to look after the water in your home from WRAS and Water UK


Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 - what they are and how they affect you

This leaflet by WRAS that provides information about the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations and how they affect you.
