
Improvements in Wall Heath

Posted: 16 December 2020

Graphic stating "Improvements in Wall Heath"Work is continuing on an essential project in Wall Heath.

Earlier in 2020 we replaced the water mains in Kidderminster Road. We are now due to return to complete the final connections on the new water main. This project is part of our ongoing improvement programme resulting in the highest water quality and a reliable water supply to customers. 

The work will carried out at:

  • Prince Albert Pub, Kidderminster Road at the junction of Enville Road
  • Swindon Road, at the junction of Kidderminster Road
  • Kidderminster Road, at the junction of Lodge Lane

The work will start on 11 Jan 2021 and will last for about five weeks. 

Will traffic be affected?
In order to complete this work as safely and efficiently as possible, there will be traffic management in place:
  • Prince Albert, Kidderminster Road/Enville Road – four-way lights from 11 January to 14 February 2021.
  • Kidderminster Road/Lodge Lane – three-way lights from 18 January to 14 February 2021.

Map of traffic management
Map of traffic management

We are committed to investing in new water mains, to reduce leakage by at least 15% and to ensure our customers continue to receive a reliable and high-quality water supply.

4 March 2021
Due to ground conditions and engineering difficulties, completion of  this scheme is delayed by about three weeks. The revised date for completion is 2 April 2021.
We will do our very best to try and complete the scheme as early as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Posted: 16 December 2020
Updated: 4 March 2021